What produce/ingredients did you buy or obtain today (2024)?

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Had a coupon for that pizza, it’s my current favorite frozen one. The pepperoni is in case I make a pizza over the next few days.


Had a coupon for that cereal, which is my guilty pleasure, except I don’t think there should be any guilt attached to pleasure, so yum, yum, yum!


Had coupons for the turkey and the beef, and that sausage is for a couscous recipe.


Sage is for a couscous recipe. I bought fruit because we’re almost out, and MrsT saw it and said, “Oh great, you remembered to buy fruit for my trip up to Cleveland!” 😒
buy fruit
Those raspberries look amazing.
I've been on the lookout locally, I did not put too much effort in tbh, but they might be on offer these days.

Sorry to hear about the fruit split issue. Is it you who makes the grocery trips for both of you? Is it health related and impossible for MrsT?
Is it you who makes the grocery trips for both of you? Is it health related and impossible for MrsT?
Yes, I do 99.99% of the shopping. If I send MrsT to the grocery store with a list for apples, carrots, ground beef, she somehow manages to read that as Oreos, Frosted Flakes, and ice cream. :laugh:
Taken me a while to order these things as I had to look into the ingredients and decide whether I consider them healthy.
I eventually came down on the yes they’re fine n dandy side this morning and ordered them.

Pricey because I went for the smallest quantity tubs as I dunno if I’ll get on with any of it.


Took me a while to get to grips with the Vegetarian sausage book I bought. It’s a small book that is a bit food tech/educational course oriented with the majority of the book dedicated to the different types of binders, fillers and emulsifications etc that are needed to make a vegetarian/vegan sausage have the correct texture and mouthfeel.

It is good but it’s a dry read. Anyway I reckon I’m ready to give it a whirl. Have three different vegan sausage recipe’s to try out in the meat press and will start with the pretty one on the cover.

Good for you, the gum and soy not disturbing you.
What vegetable are you overly sensitive too?
If you know it, that's half the success...I reckon.

Can you work around it, to cause you less distress?
I’m well aware of what upsets my GI tract but being a coeliac is restrictive enough without adding anything else into the mix 😂
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