The CookingBites recipe challenge: saffron

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I promised to detail my first known saffron encounter, so here goes (though it was 24 hours ago, so I’ve forgotten a lot of it).

First of all, opening the jar (and then the little packet inside), I don’t know why, but I held my breath - I think it was because of all the reading I’ve done, and how so many sources mention saffron smells somewhat like honey…and I don’t like the smell of honey all all. Turns my stomach.

MrsT was grabbing a bottle of water, and she instantly caught a whiff of it - “What’s that?! It smells really strong.”

I asked her what it smelled like, and she said, ”Flowers and honey…but kind of sour or tangy or something like that.”

I timidly gave a little sniff, picked up that honey-like note, and stopped. Enough for me, but MrsT said she thought it had a beautifully floral perfume.

Different strokes, I s’pose.

Moving on to actually using it, I needed a little less than half a teaspoon of it crushed, so I pulled out a little pinch, heeding the warnings that a little goes a long way, crushed it up between my thumb and forefinger, looked at it and said, “That’s like…maybe a sixteenth of a teaspoon!”

It took forever, and I think I’ve used most of the saffron I bought (it was a very small packet in that jar), but I finally got what felt close to what was required, but it was…frustrating getting up to the right amount.

Another thing was that the color, when I was working with it, reminded me a lot of when I was a kid and would get a scrape and Mom would break out the iodine dropper. They seem to share a similar color profile, and for some reason, I was very concerned about staining anything I touched or got it on.

Last comment - the final results were excellent and I was quite excited when that soup came together and looked so much more vibrant and rich, compared to what I’d made before, and the taste followed through.

In that way, it’s much like honey is for me - rather disgusting by itself in its raw form, but a stellar part of a larger cast of ingredients.

Picking up some more on Thursday. :laugh:
Also curious to read at what point you included the Saffron into the soup and how.
The saffron gets crushed up and goes in with everything else, right after the broth is added. One of the things about this soup…not a lot of ingredients, so it’s mainly a “chuck it all in the pot and whack it on the stove.”
Well that was a success. Posting recipe tomorrow.
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Possibly my second entry.

Chicken livers and hearts, pasta, with Saffron almond milk sauce.( used corn flour as well)

The taste blend of the livers and the sauce is epic.

Next time, I would omit the pasta, serve the livers on a bed of lamb's lettuce or spinach/chard, and drizzle generously with the sauce. Fresh lemon juice on top would be a must.

I really like how tender the livers were. This time I soaked them for 2 and a half hours in salt, water, oregano, thyme and lemon juice. After sautéing ,frying up and cooking, they were as soft as paté.

Happy with the seasoning. Excellent lunch.

Interestingly, Saffron did not yellow the hot almond milk nearly as much as the hot water. I brought the cup closer to natural light, but perhaps a 0,004 change in milk nuance...

I wonder if there is an almond milk element that inhibits the colour release?
Well that was a success. Posting recipe tomorrow.
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Why is it tomorrow never comes? LOL!

My middle daughter and my grandson are still visiting from Texas and don't leave until Sunday. I just really haven't had a lot of free time to sit down and write up this recipe. I'll get to it, but likely not tomorrow. It might be Sunday but I just don't know...oh yeah, as you can see, my "champagne" is actually California sparkling wine. They put champagne on the label, please don't hold it against me :laugh:
Creamy saffron and champagne shrimp and grits - champagne.jpgCreamy saffron and champagne shrimp and grits - saffron.jpg
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