The General Chat Thread (2024)

I thought that move was magnificent. Quick, efficient action, and some of the hooligans were already in jail before the riots had finished.
I think it's marvelous. And they do this without firearms, right?

I wish things worked so efficiently in our country. Over here, mobs take over the capital building and the instigator gets away with it (and gets to run for re-election).

I am not trying to start a political discussion here, just makes me happy for the UK and very sad for the US.
I think it's marvelous. And they do this without firearms, right?
The majority of the police are unarmed, although there are now special firearms units for terrorist threats, etc.
I watched some of the appalling videos of these thugs rioting, and the police were remarkably restrained. However, sometimes I secretly wish they would just lay into them, smack them around with their truncheons and kick the stuffing out of them, because they're just cowardly bullies with a load of mouth.
Problem is, of course, nowadays the cops all have body cameras and the thugs/ protesters are armed with mobile phones and those pusillanimous phrases like "you're breaching my human rights", "police brutality", "I'm going to report you, pig", "I'm not talking till I get a lawyer".:eek::eek:
Peaceful protest? All for it. Violent protest? No.
The drive from Rotterdam area where we live to Düsseldorf was a smooth one, but due to his burnout my husband is knäckered so we're taking it easy. Had dinner in the hotel and I am now chilling in the penthouse sunlounge ❤️
Tomorrow we'll go on an organised food tour in the Altstad ( old town).
I am trying to get things together to take over to my youngest daughter's house (she's not there but her sister visiting from Texas is dogsitting for her with our grandson). I am taking stuffed peppers using peppers from our garden and DH's Italian sausage he makes with his cousins. I am putting fresh basil and oregano from the garden, roasted garlic, onion, ricotta cheese, mozzarella, and cooking it in tomato sauce. I just got out of the shower and DH's stepfather decided to stop by unannounced. We have repeatedly asked him to give us notice and call before he comes, but he just doesn't get it. I had just gotten out of the shower and was walking into the kitchen to get some water in my houserobe (there have been times he stopped by when I first got out of bed and I was only wearing a T-shirt and underwear). It drives me nuts. He starts to walk in the house and I yelled I wasn't decent and told him to wait. So he is out there sitting in the kitchen and I have a bunch of stuff to do and I need DH's help to do it, but they are sitting at the kitchen counter talking so I am getting dressed and hopefully he will leave soon.

Basically my DH's stepfather is trying to hit my husband up for money. He wasn't actually ever married to my MIL and she didn't put him in the will so he is out there crying a sob story about how broke he is, even though my MIL spent a ton of money renovating HIS house (her name was not on that) and bought him new furniture and a brand new Jeep that cost about 50K...and she paid for all the groceries, dining out, and vacations over the past 16 I guess he has learned to live above his means and is now asking for a handout from DH. I am a bit upset. Okay they went outside and are standing in the driveway, hopefully he is leaving now...going to go dry my hair and finish cooking the food. We are now going to be late.
Okay we made it out on time. One of the reasons I fell in love with my DH is his ability to see things on a deeper ability and ability to be compassionate and kind when I'm not. He made me aware that FIL is ill and his brain isn't working correctly. He's right.
I still think both sides can be true at the same time
Ohhhh, nice! Düsseldorf is famous for its altbier - try (at least) one for me! 🍻
Had one, we loved it! I rarely like beer but this was good.
Alright, so some of the old-school family members are in an uproar because my recently married youngest daughter kept her maiden name. Actually she and her fiance had talked about doing a hyphenated version for the both of them but decided it was easier to just keep their names as they were. They are both in their 30s (well actually DD is turning 30 next month) and it's their decision as adults. I am hearing flak about it and I told people to just let them do what they want to do, why should anyone else care?
Alright, so some of the old-school family members are in an uproar because my recently married youngest daughter kept her maiden name. Actually she and her fiance had talked about doing a hyphenated version for the both of them but decided it was easier to just keep their names as they were. They are both in their 30s (well actually DD is turning 30 next month) and it's their decision as adults. I am hearing flak about it and I told people to just let them do what they want to do, why should anyone else care?

Had I hyphenated then I would have been LSD :laugh:
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