The General Chat Thread (2024)

One of my colleagues has her washer and dishwasher on apps so that she can have them running during 'cheap electricity' time, personally I would like anything working over night as it would wake me up. Each to their own.
We set ours to run overnight (usual starting at about 4-5am and I've found that with the laundry door shut, it is barely audible. In fact, if I set it going on one of the eco cycles that doesn't run at 'best speed', but includes long periods of soaking doing nothing, that even in summer when we've got everything open, doors and windows alike, that it doesn't really disturb us. And I dig it so that it is usually on the spin cycle whilst we're getting up or having breakfast.

Although here in Australia, the cheapest time of the day isn't always the 1am to 7am period. So many homes have solar panels that the cheapest time of day is (depending on your supplier) actually mid afternoon.
We set ours to run overnight (usual starting at about 4-5am and I've found that with the laundry door shut, it is barely audible. In fact, if I set it going on one of the eco cycles that doesn't run at 'best speed', but includes long periods of soaking doing nothing, that even in summer when we've got everything open, doors and windows alike, that it doesn't really disturb us. And I dig it so that it is usually on the spin cycle whilst we're getting up or having breakfast.

Although here in Australia, the cheapest time of the day isn't always the 1am to 7am period. So many homes have solar panels that the cheapest time of day is (depending on your supplier) actually mid afternoon.

We do need a new one so maybe it will be quieter than the one we have now.
We don’t have that where we live now, but we did in Minnesota. We always started the dishwasher just before going to bed.
Yeah I don't mind running ours at night and would if it helped DH save money. It's quiet enough that I can't hear it from the bedroom. Even if I'm in the kitchen when it's running it's barely noticeable.
They didn't have any In stocks, however the white ones will be in today so we can order in store from tomorrow, might try their website later today. Really liked the grey one but won't gave then in until mid September which is no good to us if ours stops working.
I've still got the infection in the bone in my jaw and now it's spread to feeling unwell generally with a temp, and problems with my asthma last night. I'm also chronically tired to the point of falling asleep during the day.

So I'm back on antibiotics yet again, this time prescribed by my doctor ratherthan the dentist. It's the 4th course in a little over 2 weeks and this time is for 10 days. Hopefully they will kick in soon. I've got an exam on Wednesday.
We don’t have that where we live now, but we did in Minnesota. We always started the dishwasher just before going to bed.
We had a repair man in a while ago that cautioned us not to run the dishwasher when we weren't home or asleep incase it ever started leaking. He said he's been to a few flooded out kitchens because people weren't there to notice it and the water just keeps running. We used to start it before leaving for work. Now, we have switched to evenings while we are home. Sometimes we have dinner dishes in the sink but they get loaded in the next day. The guy has us paranoid..
We had a repair man in a while ago that cautioned us not to run the dishwasher when we weren't home or asleep incase it ever started leaking. He said he's been to a few flooded out kitchens because people weren't there to notice it and the water just keeps running. We used to start it before leaving for work. Now, we have switched to evenings while we are home. Sometimes we have dinner dishes in the sink but they get loaded in the next day. The guy has us paranoid..
I think by that theory you'd never leave the house, just in case there was an electrical fault or a drip from a pipe you'd not seen, just in case that tree or perhaps ...

I could tell you about the countless people I have recovered data for after a hard drive had failed. How grateful they were, or how sad that the photos from xyz holiday were too badly corrupted to save, but I was able to pull some photos off the SD card even though it had been erased to make note space for new.
I could also tell you tell you how many of those had backup hard drives to back up data to and hadn't. I could tell you about the ones who diligently save their precious photos to FB and are now locked out of Facebook and have had to make new accounts and say goodbye to that data.... Would it actually get you to backup your data to both an external, unconnected, isolated hard drive and to dedicated cloud storage just in case your device is damaged in a house fire, or flood, or suffers its own mishap? Unlikely unless you know someone who has lost data, which is how almost all of those people found me in the first place, word of mouth after suffering data loss.

Do I backup my data to both a totally isolated external hard drive, kept in a fireproof safe and to the cloud just in case? Yes. I do. I've had a heath fire in the UK get to within 25 meters of our house. Cloud storage wasn't an option then, so a second backup was kept in my locked drawers at work. Would my paranoia get you to back up your data in 2 locations? Probably not get it is even more important now than ever.

And yes, I still set the washing machine to run at night. Yes, I still have a fire proof safe, and yes, I pay for extra cloud storage for that second backup location.
Well, it’s not quite that extreme. Nor is it a problem to run the dishwasher after supper. Works for us
So, only slightly related, when I lived in Zimbabwe, certain areas were without water for months.
I was ok as I had a borehole
You never new if or when you would get water
So friends of mine went away for a weekend and they came back to a flooded house due to overflowing of the bathtub on the 1st floor (2nd for Americans) and water supply already cut again
Bought a new washer/dryer this morning to be delivered next Saturday. They gave us a freebie, not sure if it actually works but will give it a go.

So, only slightly related, when I lived in Zimbabwe, certain areas were without water for months.
I was ok as I had a borehole
You never new if or when you would get water
So friends of mine went away for a weekend and they came back to a flooded house due to overflowing of the bathtub on the 1st floor (2nd for Americans) and water supply already cut again
We play a similar game with lights every time we lose electricity and end up going to bed in the dark. "What was turned on at the time?" And did we remember to flip the main switch for the set of 4 lights we have on wireless lift bulbs? We can't reach the normal on/off switch easily, so dealt with the issue by buying some wireless light bulbs from Ikea that have their own remote switch paired with them. You can reprogram several to run off the one remote switch which lives on the cabinet that we can reach. But every time we lose power, they always come back on in the on position, even if they were off when we lost electricity and they're bright because they're my reading and knitting lights in the sitting room... and in the middle of nowhere when they come back on at night, they light up the garden so much that they also light up the bedroom at the other end of the house. With no light pollution, it's very obvious that they're on... and it doesn't take much to wake me at night.
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