The General Chat Thread (2024)

Machine has been installed and the fitter put it onto a 10 minute wash to rinse through, once do we can start to use it.
The thrill of a new working appliance! 👏
I reckon washing machine is one of the best ones because they always seem to die slowly giving you a long torturous period where you put up with it not functioning properly and as soon as you get to the "right THAT'S IT you are going" point they start working flawlessly for a brief stint before torturing you again! 😂
The thrill of a new working appliance! 👏
I reckon washing machine is one of the best ones because they always seem to die slowly giving you a long torturous period where you put up with it not functioning properly and as soon as you get to the "right THAT'S IT you are going" point they start working flawlessly for a brief stint before torturing you again! 😂

It is so quiet compared to our old one. Just need to figure out the dryer programme...who needs so much technology to wash their clothes.
Just need to figure out the dryer programme...who needs so much technology to wash their clothes.

Craig still hasn't gotten our new washer figured out, and it's been almost 2 years. I only let him change from towels to sheets to clothes, and leave the rest of the settings alone. That's a dial setting. The rest are electronic, i.e. water temp and level extra wash and/or rinse, soak time, fabric softener, bleach, etc. He still forgets how to start it from time to time and has to ask.
Craig still hasn't gotten our new washer figured out, and it's been almost 2 years. I only let him change from towels to sheets to clothes, and leave the rest of the settings alone. That's a dial setting. The rest are electronic, i.e. water temp and level extra wash and/or rinse, soak time, fabric softener, bleach, etc. He still forgets how to start it from time to time and has to ask.

I'm useless with all that. I just wash everything on one setting.
We got our "new" washing machine about 10 years ago and there were lots of fancy models available, but I chose a basic old-fashioned top loader without any bells and whistles. Very happy with it.
Ha! When we bought ours, the basic ones were more expensive than the ones with minimal bells and whistles, which is what we ended up buying.
Ha! When we bought ours, the basic ones were more expensive than the ones with minimal bells and whistles, which is what we ended up buying.
That makes perfect sense. If that had been the case I would have too, but mine was nearly half the price as the others. My DH, while impressed with my frugality, kept saying I could get a more expensive one if I wanted (he was buying). I think he was fascinated with them.
Quick catch-up:
Flight out of AZ was uneventful
Changed plans in DFW - fine (thought maybe we'd get cancelled trying to get into Pittsburgh - made it fine)
Picked up our rental car and it began to dump BUCKETS of rain on us trying to get out of the airport - what with construction as well in the area, we had to turn around TWICE
Made it to WV and our motel only minutes from BIL's house - PHEW!
Surprised BIL the following day - thought he was going to cry
Had a great time with that "wing" of the family - there's a grand total of 32 but everyone wasn't there
Decided to spend two nights in the Pittsburgh Airport to reduce the level of anxiety - had a great time just hanging out
Flight out of Pittsburgh was scary (engine trouble at take off) - but we finally made it back to AZ
Caught our shuttle back up the Mountain and got our car at the shuttle headquarters
Home again home again, jiggity jig!
Yes, MrsT is officially “old.” She’s 61 today, but even more to the point, she’s spent the last 10 minutes griping about GenZ slang terms! :laugh:
My kids will say, I'm not mad about it" when they're happy about something, and "That's fair" when they agree with something that's been said. I can't really think of any slang they use that I find irritating.
My kids will say, I'm not mad about it" when they're happy about something, and "That's fair" when they agree with something that's been said. I can't really think of any slang they use that I find irritating.
Words that she’s picked out so far:

Fashion MF

She started on one, and that led her down a path of, “…and just what in the hell is <insert crazy new word here> supposed to mean?!”

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