Legendary Member
Buying a soldering iron will hopefully help you.So I can't fix the chook door
An ordinary table lamp is what I let my Mom have. The purpose being to light it in the kitchen, when she is in there, so that my Dad can see the light and find her. Sort of signaling she is in that room.
As they are both deaf (from early in their childhoood onwards), they do rely on light signals both for the doorbell and the alarmclock ( back in the days prior to retirement). Plus my Dad's sight is rather bad, I'd say 25% on 1 eye for now.
So, we will let ghe lamp do 8ts task and see if it helps.
My Dad feels lost and bad when he thinks my Mom is out. She is rarely out, she may go to the store or pharmacy 3,4 x a week, but 90% of the time she is home.
I visited my parents this morning, and my Mom was angry again at my Dad. He woke her up at 2 am, grabbing her by her hand in panic of imagined burglers intruding. There were none. He played it out in his mind.
Like a peacekeeper, i tried to explain he is sick. Zo both of them. I doubt it was successful. But I went on to organize the next 3 medical terms, my Dad's lab and therapy and dentist appointments, and measured his blood pressure. Then left.
I reflected on whether another lamp, perhaps a nightlamp would be beneficial for my Dad' night fears...but it would interfere with my Mom's sleep. Don't know.
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