The General Chat Thread (2024)

Just another little message from the planet in my direction, had to do quick a dap to the supermarket and for no apparent reason there were three t-shirts on a stand in the entrance.
One BSA motorcycle t-shirt and two Route 66



Yes life I hear you loud and clear 😂
In another spooky coincidence today
Mr SSOAP said “Guess what my mum asked for, for her birthday?”
I replied “Hmm.. a witches broom?”
He said “How did you know? You’re freaky you are”

Yep she asked for a witches broom. I suppose as you get older you feel you want to be closer to your ancestors 😆
Darn, is it cold today. Not actually made it up to 5°C. We had planned to go out but hubby was out this morning digging a hole to put the bokashi (compost) into and was having problems with his hands, so going for a walk this afternoon was not an option. So we stayed in.

It's now 5pm and under 2°C already. Snow if forecast and I'm so glad I don't have to go out tomorrow. Australia doesn't grit or salt roads and it's already chaos out there in the roads.
untill i saw your post i had forgotten that our summer is your winter , wow stay warm !!!
i have always kinda liked the snow in winter time so i'm looking forward to when she is warm and we have snow flakes falling again
I was looking at your weather this morning and I said the same thing about it.
We've hit -4.0°C here overnight. Usually we don't drop that cold on top of our hill, protected by a temperature inversion from the local lake but fit some unknown reason, the theory that it's cooker at the top of the hill is actually working this morning.

Tonight is due to be even colder.
untill i saw your post i had forgotten that our summer is your winter , wow stay warm !!!
Thanks. It's one reason I moved the study into the sitting room. We only have 1 wood burning stove in the 3 bedroomed house for heating and Australian houses are only just starting to be built with insulation & double glazing. This one is 60 years old and doesn't have a thing in the way of insulation and the windows are best not mentioned (one room has j cloths (dish cloths) holding the glass in place). Even that room with the lit wood burner in it is only 13°C this morning. That's about 55F.
i don't know if they have them in Australia,
but if you do have you ever considered a pellet heater ?
we have some very cold winters here in Colorado down to 15 below zero at night
and we use a wood burning pellet heater and by using ceiling fans it keeps the whole house warm (1400 sf ) we use about one 40 lb bag per day and keep the temp about 76 degrees no matter how cold it is outside
It was another cold start this morning. -7°C just down the road from us. This cold snap is giving some areas of Queensland sub-zero temperatures. It's only due to be -3°C tonight, but then last night was only meant to be -4°C.

I'm not sure what the wind chill is because I don't want to spend too long outside. That wind had a nasty bite to it.

If I wasn't so caught up in study, I'd be in bed keeping warm.
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