The General Chat Thread (2024)

This weekend we'll be at the yearly Ren Faire again🥳, and next week we'll leave for Düsseldorf! ❤️So exited. Here's a pic of me last year:
Unfortunately, there's a good chance of there being actual bloodshed
Dead right. 5 dead so far, over 40 injured, and that was only yesterday. Some people have "disappeared", including a member of the Assembly who was kidnapped by masked thugs on his doorstep. The protests continue, more furious than ever.
The military High Command gave a stern press conference today, with the pathetic Defence minister blaming "fascist intervention", "counterrevolutionary elements" and, of course, "foreign imperialists". Typical, hackneyed pseudo socialist crap which he probably learned from reading "Animal Farm".
All that blah blah blah about ridding the country of the "oligarchs" and now we've got an oligarchy of sickeningly smug, mostly stupid "leaders" who all live in million dollar houses, have their children studying abroad, drive around in armoured SUVS and drink 18 yr old scotch like it was water, while the general population struggles to get one meal a day on the table. I really despise ignorance.
"All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others" (Napoleon the Pig, George Orwell's Animal Farm)
Dead right. 5 dead so far, over 40 injured, and that was only yesterday. Some people have "disappeared", including a member of the Assembly who was kidnapped by masked thugs on his doorstep. The protests continue, more furious than ever.
The military High Command gave a stern press conference today, with the pathetic Defence minister blaming "fascist intervention", "counterrevolutionary elements" and, of course, "foreign imperialists". Typical, hackneyed pseudo socialist crap which he probably learned from reading "Animal Farm".
All that blah blah blah about ridding the country of the "oligarchs" and now we've got an oligarchy of sickeningly smug, mostly stupid "leaders" who all live in million dollar houses, have their children studying abroad, drive around in armoured SUVS and drink 18 yr old scotch like it was water, while the general population struggles to get one meal a day on the table. I really despise ignorance.
"All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others" (Napoleon the Pig, George Orwell's Animal Farm)
Hope you will be OK , sending hugs :hug:
First time I am alone at home for 5 days since I got married six years ago, my husband is out at the ren faire building the stand. He will pick me up on friday and sunday, I can't sleep there because of my PA ( periferal spondyloartritis).
I feel somewhat jealous because I don't like it when my condition limits me in this way, but we couldn't know I would be better this year than last year when we booked our stay.
Next year I will be there too for the entire week 😊 now I will be there on friday and sunday.
I am happy my husband went though, it took me only 6 years to make him go without me because my limits should not stop him from having fun ( these are my words).
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