What did you cook/eat today (April 2017)?

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I have been eating sporadically over the last few days. Mostly in little bits, or bad take out because I have no energy to cook after working all day. Today, I am feeling better and it is a scheduled half day for me so I am looking forward for some good home cooking.. thanks for the fasion tip. Hope it doesn't stick to my hair too much..

You have been working with the the flu!
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It must be over 20 years ago that I cooked this (definitely before I came to Asia) and all I remember is that it wasn't very good. However, the spice challenge encouraged me to give it another chance and this is the result - with yellow rice, bhindi bhaji and the egg.

coriander chicken 6 s.jpg

I enjoyed it. The remainder will be bagged and deposited in the freezer later.
For some inbred reason I always expect chicken curry to be red or a shade thereof. This being sort of yellowy green just doesn't appear right. Anyway, it was very nice so it shall be posted in my recipes on Food.com tomorrow.
Most curries which are pale contain coconut milk (which neither you nor I like). I found this one - but it contains cream.https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/1884/creamy-masala-chicken

I tend to avoid recipes that are written by folks who specify "mild chilli powder" and suggest de-seeding chilies.

Many, many years ago, a neighbour asked if I would cook a chili con carne for her at her house for a party she was organising. I gave her a list of ingredients which she obtained and by the time I arrived, she'd chopped the onions and de-seeded the chilies. Luckily she still had the seeds so they went straight back into the pot. (although I am aware that it's not the seeds that contain the majority of the capsaicin).
You have been working with the the flu!
Yes..no choice when you are self employed..we can't find qualified staff to handle the volume. I've been going in for the busy periods then either going and lying down on the office couch or going home early..getting better by the day...we have a contract for school board luncheons at a nearby facility. Very busy today and the rest of the week. We need everybody there...we have a small staff to begin with
At first I thought taramasalata (which I love), but then I noticed what looks like a piece of ham on top. Now intrigued....

:okay: Exatly, it's a mousse made with: cooked ham (leftover), soft cheese (I used robiola, but I think you can also use goat cheese), some walnuts, a teaspoon of tomato concentrate, salt and pepper, altogether in the mixer...as simple as that!
Breakfast this morning was green sludge, in a last minute panic attempt to get beach ready during the next two weeks. Green pepper, celery, pear, fresh ginger, lemongrass and courgette, blitzed in the Nutribullet. Nice. Mustn't overdo it though. Best go back to bacon and eggs tomorrow, just to be on the safe side.
I tend to avoid recipes that are written by folks who specify "mild chilli powder" and suggest de-seeding chilies.

Many, many years ago, a neighbour asked if I would cook a chili con carne for her at her house for a party she was organising. I gave her a list of ingredients which she obtained and by the time I arrived, she'd chopped the onions and de-seeded the chilies. Luckily she still had the seeds so they went straight back into the pot. (although I am aware that it's not the seeds that contain the majority of the capsaicin).
Couldn't agree more - I wasn't suggesting the recipe I linked was any good - just an example of a non browny-red curry.
Breakfast this morning was green sludge, in a last minute panic attempt to get beach ready during the next two weeks. Green pepper, celery, pear, fresh ginger, lemongrass and courgette, blitzed in the Nutribullet. Nice. Mustn't overdo it though. Best go back to bacon and eggs tomorrow, just to be on the safe side.
Sorry but that sounds disgusting... :sick: I'm not a fan of courgettes, green peppers or smoothies!
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