What did you cook or eat today (August 2024)

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Great made, quality burger.
Hubby had issues with this recipe. I'm not sure what or why, but he halved the courgette spaghetti and he halved the avocado, but left the lemon and the hemp seed oil at the same quantity. So it won't be being written up as a recipe and I'm not sure I had much more than a poached egg and oily courgettes.

Given he knows how much I hate using the required amount of oil, I don't understand his decision but I'm trying to let him cook more. I'm not certain it's working.

If it doesn't look like much, I can confirm that it wasn't.


I went round for a jam sandwich afterwards.
Hubby had issues with this recipe. I'm not sure what or why, but he halved the courgette spaghetti and he halved the avocado, but left the lemon and the hemp seed oil at the same quantity. So it won't be being written up as a recipe and I'm not sure I had much more than a poached egg and oily courgettes.

Given he knows how much I hate using the required amount of oil, I don't understand his decision but I'm trying to let him cook more. I'm not certain it's working.

If it doesn't look like much, I can confirm that it wasn't.

View attachment 117755

I went round for a jam sandwich afterwards.
I really dislike oily food.
Roast potatoes are probably the only exception for me, I can handle them being doused in oil or fat before serving but everything else nope!
It's one of the things I struggle with in Spain. They often serve things absolutely swimming in olive oil.
Sorry but putting something in a terracotta dish and declaring it tapas does not compensate for it essentially being a bowl of oil. Blurgh 😂
it doesn't look like much, I can confirm that it wasn't.
Sorry. But I admire your gentle and considerate approach, as he is starting to cook more.
It will get better.
Could you not have asked for a second poached egg, to fill you up? Or forgive me, maybe your diet is not allowing. I know for me, 2 eggs per day are max, and not daily, so...
Are those zucchini noodles? Were you intending to eat them raw?
Sorry. But I admire your gentle and considerate approach, as he is starting to cook more.
It will get better.
Could you not have asked for a second poached egg, to fill you up? Or forgive me, maybe your diet is not allowing. I know for me, 2 eggs per day are max, and not daily, so...
Are those zucchini noodles? Were you intending to eat them raw?
He's not a starter cook. He's cooked for many decades, but the last 12 years I've done most of it because he's worked and I haven't been able to. I'm trying to ease him back into cooking again to make +50hrs a week study easier on me.

He did cook the courgette spaghetti according to their microwave instructions but they didn't really work.

And with heart disease running in my family, (pretty much everyone has died from it, most well into the 80's or 90's, but my brother had a stroke from a blood clot last year at 47 yrs old) my doctor watches my blood test results like a hawk and we've noticed that I am exceptionally good at manufacturing my own cholesterol in my body. My hubby and I eat near identical food, his figure is at 3.5 which our doctor says they'd love to have such a good figure, whilst mine is at 5.9 on the same diet. So I try to avoid a much saturated fat, and other oils as possible and whilst literature now says there is no link between eating cholesterol high foods like eggs, that's not the results we see in my blood work, so I have to try to keep it to a minimum.

He's cooking one of his favourite dishes this week, so with any luck that will work much better. He's good at a few dishes, such as frittata, walnut and poppy seed dumplings, and a few others but he's got no feeling for it, and won't taste test along the way, so it's hard... hard not to say something and hard not to criticise. I just can't do it all myself though. I start studying when he leaves for work at 7am and usually only stop when he gets home at 5:30pm (except for a Tuesday when I have a 3hr evening lecture from 6pm). And I'm studying Saturdays as well but don't start until 9am on Saturdays. This week I'm studying tomorrow, Sunday as well and likely next Sunday because I've got an assignment due and I've got problems with the practical work that isn't doing what is meant to do.
I really dislike oily food.
Roast potatoes are probably the only exception for me, I can handle them being doused in oil or fat before serving but everything else nope!
It's one of the things I struggle with in Spain. They often serve things absolutely swimming in olive oil.
Sorry but putting something in a terracotta dish and declaring it tapas does not compensate for it essentially being a bowl of oil. Blurgh 😂
The bit I don't get is why he's doesn't question anything. To me, I looked at it and thought that's not enough spaghetti and it looks way too oily to be right. He on the other hand was already putting it into the dish, lukewarm and, yuck.... it was only when I questioned him repeatedly that I finally got quantities out of him and pointed out his mistake. Any taste test should have told him it was wrong but he didn't. Any look at it should have told him something wasn't right, but he just ploughed on. All he had to so was put the other half of the avocado into it, and cook the other half of the courgettes but no, he served it as it was.
The bit I don't get is why he's doesn't question anything. To me, I looked at it and thought that's not enough spaghetti and it looks way too oily to be right. He on the other hand was already putting it into the dish, lukewarm and, yuck.... it was only when I questioned him repeatedly that I finally got quantities out of him and pointed out his mistake. Any taste test should have told him it was wrong but he didn't. Any look at it should have told him something wasn't right, but he just ploughed on. All he had to so was put the other half of the avocado into it, and cook the other half of the courgettes but no, he served it as it was.
It's a mystery but I also believe quite common.
Mr SSOAP still serves food without taste testing it or checking if it's hot enough even though he's often had to put something back in the oven more than once.

Now he can just about manage to ask me if I think somethings cooked but even that's hit n miss!

Both of the boys were the same but they have learnt from their mistakes and do taste things before considering a dish finished.
Still took a while to get that message across though!
It's one of the things I struggle with in Spain. They often serve things absolutely swimming in olive oil.
It's true - they are very generous with oil, and it's usually olive oil.
I haven't got an issue with that because the oil adds flavour and, in my case, just get's left at the bottom of the dish.
I saw something suspicious when buying ingredients for that burger I did. I got prime ground beef, however while choosing I noticed that there was another selection that said "prime rib flavored". Is that actual prime rib that has been ground? Or is it "flavored" to mimick that? (I don't even know how you would do that.) The price sure seemed like it was actual prime rib ground into ground beef. 🤔
This week I'm studying tomorrow, Sunday as well and likely next Sunday because I've got an assignment due and I've got problems with the practical work that isn't doing what is meant to do.
Oh Goodness, that is a lot.
Now that you described the circumstances, I do get the broader picture. Thanks for sharing.
Well, if not a starter cook, and with both, all of your experience, surely you will ease into some bam bam quick meals that you are allowed to eat and would also fill you up.

It is definitely not easy. Not for you, and not for him.

But as the study load is so gigantic at present on you, I still feel it was very wise to let him do the cooking. Even if below expectation, I donno, I guess I'm saying, don't loose hope!

Yeah, each of us is very individual in the diet, listening to your own body is the best. Plus good expertly advice, surely.

And it changes.

Just today, I was surprised at how bloating a 'keto gf cookie' can be, a new one for me. Undertitle:with peanut butter, no sugars added. Reading the ingredients list now, 35% pb, chicory root fibre, peanut flour25%, peanuts 6%, chia 2%, rapeseed lecithin,himalayan salt, I'm unsure if it is the chia or the chicory root fibre. Possibly the latter. It is a 50g cookie, so 2% can't be a lot, but the fiber bears no quantity...

Will not repurchase. Although taste is not bad.
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