What did you cook or eat today (August 2024)

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As long as they were edible, that's the important thing.
I've got a timer on my oven, and I use it for everything. That means I can go off and do something else while the food is cooking.
It has a timer, I had set it so it did switch off but it's chicken breast so the residual heat in the oven was enough to tip it into overdone. Heyho you live n learn. The drying effects of the smoke must be why people on YouTube are constantly spritzing the meat with stuff 😆
Salad again:

This looks terrible and I confess I forgot about them so they had the 20 mins they were supposed to have (cooked from frozen) and then the residual heat and smoke from the oven for a lot longer 😬

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I thought oh dear these look bin ready but no it was just that the smoke had dried the tops of some of them a bit, they were still soft and flexible underneath.

I still thought due to their looks they'd be bad but by the time I returned to take a pic of my kitchen disaster for you most of them had been munched! This pan was wedged full to capacity.
They have been requested again soon as possible! Who wudda thought?
What were they?
'White Rabbit'
I won't be forgetting that brand for a while!

I learnt my lesson on how often they change ingredients and the need to check the ingredients on the back of packets every single time long ago for my anaphylactic allergy level son BUT I'm not so strict when it comes to myself.

Feel like absolute dog doodoo today, got a headache and I think the visual flicker in the corner of my eye is the threat of a migraine. That for me is a side effect of too much cheese.

If radio silence suddenly ensues it's because my heads under a duvet!
I can't identity what was on the photo...
Little local joint in my city, good lunch! Chicken breast filled with ham and cheese, breaded. I counted there would be 20g of cheese per Schnitzel, which I hope will survive, together with the breadcrumbs...
Fries surprusingly good!

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In this house we call the consequences of cheese consumption 'Quesoquake' queso because everyone seems to throw caution to the wind whilst in Spain so that is where the majority of human made cheese earthquakes happen! 😆

Most often used when food we're served has a lot of cheese on or in it, you look at it and whisper "quesoquake" and share a conspiratorial glance at other quesoquake sufferers 😂 and also as an exclamation when you jump up abruptly mid conversation, have to run to the loo and whoever you're with looks shocked like there must be an emergency somewhere, so by way of explanation you shout over your shoulder whilst exiting fast QUESOQUAKE!! 😂

I hope the QUESOQUAKE gods are kind to you!
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