What did you cook or eat today (December 2020)?

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My German is a notch above tourist level. You'd think it would be better, as I've had a few years of classroom instruction, but I'm a complacent learner, and once I got to the point of being able to make dinner reservations, watch a movie (with German subtitles on), and tell the young woman next to me at the bar "Was für ein schönes Dirndl, das du trägst!" I was good to go. :)

I'm fortunate, though, to live near a city (Cincinnati) that is spilling over with German culture, and it's not unusual at all to hear German spoken here, especially if you're going to one of the German specialty places (butcher, baker, etc). In earlier times, I used to go to a weekly German language night, where people would gather in a local German restaurant, both native and non-native speakers, with the charge that, for the duration of the night, no English was to be spoken. I learned more at those than in class. :)

We also have several German culture/heritage clubs in the area, and at those, you'll hear a lot of German spoken.

Around here, besides English, people speak Spanish, Vietnamese, Mandarin, Hindi and a handful of other languages, possibly a little Italian.
Not sure what I’ve made exactly, a sort of Panzanella, anyway it was bloody good. Since I had a piece of old bread, I’ve decided to soak it in water, squeezed it, cut in piece, then added Evoo, wild fennel, Mary Rose sauce, scamorza, tinned tuna in water, cherry tomatoes

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German: I was in the top class at high school, I studied German and French, my French is better, but my German is ok, I talked a bunch of German tourists through a menu here about 15 years ago. French I'm better at reading.

Last night was a balmy 28deg c so our BBQ went down well. New potatoes salads lamb chops and sausages and kebabs. Great way to finish the year pre Xmas.
Cup of tea this morning.
Daughter is making Japanese tonight, I have the night off.

Today's been Festive Appetizer Day.

We watched a few Christmas-themed programs on PBS, all dealing with European Christmas markets, and had gluhwein while we watched those, and some bacon-wrapped water chestnuts baked in a sweet-salty glaze (liver-less rumaki).

Later, I made Hungry Man's garlic bread, and after that, bacon-wrapped, almond-stuffed prunes (variation of devils on horseback).

Finally, ended the night with vanilla popcorn (salty popcorn tossed in a quick caramel coating).
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