What did you cook or eat today (December 2023)

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The pills that the doctor sells me don't do anything at all. And Alice agrees with me.

Pills are a problem for me. I have a hard time swallowing them. They need to be really small. In my case, it is mostly a mental thing. I feed my head with negative thoughts about having to swallow a pill, and those thoughts manifest themselves when I go to swallow the pill. The doormouse didn't mention that.

How do you prefer your vindaloo? Are you a 4.3 on the Richter Scale, or a 7.8?

Now that I'm not a hormone-fueled teen trying to impress girls with how much chilli I can take (because, you know, they dig that NOT!), I like things spicy but bearable - nothing a beer couldn't quench. If I have to order a lassi or glasses of milk to neutralize any tongue pain, then it's too hot - not to mention 'morning after' issues if you catch my drift.

The recipe I followed called for 2 TBSP of Kashmiri chilli and 1 of regular chilli. I used half of those amounts.
Haven't eaten dinner yet but I fixed a Panko fried chicken tossed salad which I will serve with a side of red beans and rice. The beans are cooking as I write.
Sunday brunch was cinnamon pancakes, turkey bacon, ham steak, and eggs.

It's not just spicy foods, dry foods also. They irritate my throat and cause choking. It's long since been rumoured that my mouth isn't connected to my brain and that now has become fact.

Over the past 12 months I've seen eight doctors (which is more than I've previously seen in my entire life). Apparently it's the result of a "silent stroke" but I know better - it's my body inflicting revenge for the abuse that I've given it over the last 60 odd years.

The pills that the doctor sells me don't do anything at all. And Alice agrees with me.

I've never heard of a silent stroke. Hope you get back on track soon.

I'm babysitting eli today. Daughter is a teacher and doesn't finish work til tomorrow. Shes packed him noodles and said to me no pies. When she left I said to eli. She didn't say no pasties. He grinned back at me. Lol.
Pasties for lunch.
While here he will cut my hair. He charges $15. Daughter will tidy it up when she picks him up.

I must make this real soon.


Nz exports a lot of those mussels.

DH is such a fan!
We have an Asian Market in the "Big City" that carries them, WAY cheaper than this restaurant serves them for... I make him Shell-less Mussels Marinara often with thick cut Spaghetti, one of his favorite Sunday Pasta Suppers.
DH is such a fan!
We have an Asian Market in the "Big City" that carries them, WAY cheaper than this restaurant serves them for... I make him Shell-less Mussels Marinara often with thick cut Spaghetti, one of his favorite Sunday Pasta Suppers.

The HEB store in Frisco almost always has live muscles in the seafood case. One of these days I need to buy some.

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