What did you cook or eat today (July 2024)

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Breakfast: two pieces of yesterday's Zlevka cake, 3 pecans, 2 tablespoons of compote sour cherries. Coffee with coconut milk. Delicious.
Pasta with shrimp and zucchini.
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Hah, I just saw a shrimp dish with zucchini, fennel cooked until soft and very slightly golden, dried tomatoes, and some white wine served with fregola. I put it in my vault to make later as it looked really good, but fairly easy to make.
Hah, I just saw a shrimp dish with zucchini, fennel cooked until soft and very slightly golden, dried tomatoes, and some white wine served with fregola. I put it in my vault to make later as it looked really good, but fairly easy to make.
I saw a youtube video of an Italian chef who made a zucchini pasta dish in his Michelin Star restaurant. He browned the zucchini first in a liberal amount of olive oil. He removed it and continued with the pasta dish and reintroduced them near the end.
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Ribs, potato salad and corn on the cob.
The ribs had Jamie Olivers ‘BBQ British Ribs’ sauce recipe on one end and karadekoolaid ’s Ferran Adriá's recipe on the other.

I served the ribs on 32cm serving/pizza dinner plates and they still hung off both ends 😂

As for the BBQ sauces opinion was split. My eldest said almost word for word what I was thinking which is Adria’s one is more subtle and complex and Jamie’s version is a bit of a sledgehammer.

BUT I put a dry rub on the ribs before they are cooked and only very little glaze at the end. The majority of the sauce goes in hot squeezy bottles so folk can decide how much they’d like to use themselves, by the end the bottles had the same amount left.

On a redo I’d use Adria’s but reduce the prominence of the tomato a smidge. I liked the whisky in Jamie’s so a splosh of that might go in as well.

Next up in the Glaze Wars, Guga’s speedy soy based glaze V’s Tasty’s!
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