What did you cook or eat today (July 2024)

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Have you ever thought about making your own bbq sauce? It's really easy and you can cherry-pick in and out things that you like/don't like. You can tailor the sauce to your tastebuds.
I have tried without much success.
Marinaded smoked chicken thigh (this chicken is amazing) with steamed artichokes and fresh shucked steamed corn on the cob.
As for the BBQ sauces opinion was split. My eldest said almost word for word what I was thinking which is Adria’s one is more subtle and complex and Jamie’s version is a bit of a sledgehammer.
Hey! Absolutely wonderful you made them! :bravo: :bravo: :bravo: :bravo: :bravo:
I think, like all recipes, you make them, decide whether it's (a) perfect (b) might be perfect with a tweak (c) bit too much (d) really appalling.
Then you decide how you're going to tweak it next time.
Both my bezzie and my other close friend do it. Drives me nuts. I do not want to watch your hungry ass eating a Caesar salad minus the dressing and the bacon whilst you eyeball my fish and chips and then ask me for some of my chips.
You want chips, order chips and stop putting your dieting obsession on other people!!
I've been craving this for DAYS!!!


Chicken Kara'age (aka Japanese style fried chicken) with My Quick Cucumber Kim Chee (kimchi, whatever) and that ever present steamed White Rice topped with Aloha Brand Shoyu and Nori Furikake, OISHII!!!
I've been craving this for DAYS!!!

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Chicken Kara'age (aka Japanese style fried chicken) with My Quick Cucumber Kim Chee (kimchi, whatever) and that ever present steamed White Rice topped with Aloha Brand Shoyu and Nori Furikake, OISHII!!!
Looks wonderful. Please your recipe.
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