What did you cook or eat today (March 2022)?

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It was more chicken & veg soup today with some slices of the pine mushrooms added in. With buttered toast

Tonight will be pasta with a smoked sausage sauce from the freezer. Also salad.
How's your sense of smell and taste? I lost mine for about a month 😕
How's your sense of smell and taste? I lost mine for about a month 😕
That sucks but it sounds like you’ve recovered?

Mine is pretty normal except for the fact I have the head cold bit of Covid. I can still taste & smell.

I did have a scary moment where I couldn’t inhale on Monday night but really hot water with lots of peppermint oil on a facecloth to massage my forehead and face sorted it out pretty quickly.
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The spicy pasta sauce made with thin smoked sausages topped with pecorino & packet salad with added roast pumpkin.
That sucks but it sounds like you’ve recovered?

Mine is pretty normal except for the fact I have the head cold bit of Covid. I can still taste & smell.

I did have a scary moment where I couldn’t inhale on Monday night but really hot water with lots of peppermint oil on a facecloth to massage my forehead and face sorted it out pretty quickly.
Yeah, my bout was in January. I had the headcold part and a scratchy throat plus lowgrade fever but never got any lung issues. It was after I recovered from the headcold part that I noticed I wasn't able to smell or taste very well. Food was very bland tasting and I lost 5 pounds in about 6 weeks, which in itself is fine, but I love food so much that the not tasting part was miserable, LOL. Also I was very tired for the longest time.

Glad you're doing better.
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They are okay. Sort of a Shake Shack clone that isn't quite as good. I'll take a Whataburger over Five Guys, for less money.

Never had Whataburger... we don't have that here in Cowboyville, we did in Southern AZ, but never went. My Mother is a huge fan of Red Robin, another that I've never been to. The one we had in Southern AZ smelled so bad as I passed by the open doors, I gave it a hard PASS!!! And that just turned me off to any of them.
I’ve eaten at Whataburger a few times when we lived in Texas, but I never really cared for them.

I’ll say this, though: MrsT was the director of fundraising for the South Texas chapter of the MS Society, and Whataburger was always very generous, both with providing food at events and/or funds.
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