What did you cook or eat today (March 2025)

My lunch was a corn tortilla wrap with homemade cottage cheese and herb spread, smoked chicken breast, lettuce and cucumber

When it's getting slimey is the protein breaking down.
If it was old, or a one off, I'd agree. But this happens constantly with this brand. It usually starts within a day of us buying it. And as I said before, it is very much in date, vacuum packed and well sealed. It is coming from the supermarket like this. It doesn't taste or smell any different and neither of us get side effects from eating it like this.

We've even tried (and oddly failed) to make fermented tofu from it.
Homemade bar food. Potato skins. Zucchini and mushrooms fried in a tempura batter with a horseradish dipping sauce.


I figured out how to make homemade fried mushrooms without that gush of liquid you usually get. Sounds counterintuitive, but boil the mushrooms in salted water for 2-3 minutes, depending on size, drain, then lightly weight down between 2 layers of paper towels for at least 30 minutes.
Today I had a quiche (well, more like a tart) with fried aubergines, peppers, onions and tomato. Spread the bottom of the quiche with some local boursin-type cheese (soft white cheese, loads of garlic and some herbs) which, unfortunately, was almost inedible because of the almost inedible pungency of the fresh garlic. Worked well in the quiche, however. Boiled potatoes with butter and a simple green salad, dressed with papaya seed dressing.
So because my OH was away on business all of last week, pancakes were made today instead.

I have a tawa and an old griddle, so cook 2 and we eat one each before I cook the next 2.


I did a modified recipe this year because we often find we're tired and hungry the next day. So this is a mix of wholemeal for, buckwheat flour and hemp protein flour made with soy milk.

Part way through my OH commented that they were really light and fluffy, and because I'd not scraped the container out thoroughly, went off and reheated the old griddle and made a final small one for himself!


I'll take that as a complement! 😆
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Today I had a quiche (well, more like a tart) with fried aubergines, peppers, onions and tomato. Spread the bottom of the quiche with some local boursin-type cheese (soft white cheese, loads of garlic and some herbs) which, unfortunately, was almost inedible because of the almost inedible pungency of the fresh garlic. Worked well in the quiche, however. Boiled potatoes with butter and a simple green salad, dressed with papaya seed dressing.
Papaya seed dressing?
How do you make that and what does it taste like?
Papaya seed dressing?
How do you make that and what does it taste like?
I didn't even think about it until you posted, but I'd never heard of it before either. I love papaya but whenever I've bought i always scooped the seeds out and threw them away. But apparently a lot of people like the seeds in dressing. Who knew.
Google Search
I didn't even think about it until you posted, but I'd never heard of it before either. I love papaya but whenever I've bought i always scooped the seeds out and threw them away. But apparently a lot of people like the seeds in dressing. Who knew.
Google Search
I have eaten one or two by accident and they taste peppery to me
Never thought of using then on purpose though
I normally throw them in the garden and make more papaya trees :)
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