What did you eat/cook today (February 2017)?

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That looks good but I'd say eggs are a bit undercooked. I have a recipe on here somewhere. I love it!
I actually photographed it while it was cooking. The egg whites were nice and solid but the yolks were still too runny for me. I thought I might poach the eggs how I like them and put them into the pan more or less at the last minute.
Yorkshire fried chicken with roast potatoes and mushroom/pea sauce.

fried chicken mushroom sauce 1 s.jpg
Pancakes with caster sugar and lemon juice for lunch, washed down with fresh juiced carrots.

Gammon, pineapple, mash and peas for dinner when I get back from a bike ride at 6ish.
Tried new recipe today. Kaprow rice

If it's cooked with chicken and basil we call that "Pad Krapow Gai" here in Nakhorn Nowhere. Unfortunately the locals usually overcook the egg (unless you catch them quick enough).
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