What produce/ingredients did you buy or obtain today (2024)?

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Here's the rest of our food shop

Delicious cranberry vinegar, the best I ever tasted. Handmade at the stall we bought it at.

Rote grotze ( red fruit preserves) roasted kimchi flavoured sesame seeds, lavender honey, cocktail cherries, Düsseldorfer mustard and wine sauerkraut

Quark donuts, spicy herb cream cheese & luxury yoghurt
Mini lemon cakes & strawberry chocolate

Cherry panna cotta yoghurt
It's cabbage season and I bought 2 beautiful looking specimens
Tonight, cabbage salad
Earlier today I made pickled cabbage, 1 set with chili, coriander, and some other stuff, 1 without.
I read that cabbage is good for dogs, so they are getting.
Made another batch of sauerkraut and nasi goreng tomorrow.
Plus a lot to my staff.
And all that for just over 1 U$
Not amused with this delivery.
Chose loose portabello mushroom to save on packaging.
They arrived in a plastic bag (that did look and feel like a biodegradable bag) however the mushrooms were wet, slimy and damaged from sweating.
Expect better from Waitrose. Heyho.
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I hope you've reported it.
You mentioned vegetables, so I thought other than coeliac, which is definitely demamding...anyways, for me it is a lot of raw garlic e.g., but I can fry, or cook or bake it, and it's easier on me.
I use roasted or semi-roasted garlic a lot in place of raw. It really mellows out the harshness.
I always forget to take pictures when I'm done shopping.
Mainly because I'll be tired, hot & bothered by then and just pack everything away asap.

Last shop was oranges, apples, garlic, potatoes, cabbages and butternut
Plus olive oil (or was that the time before?), red wine, raw peanuts, yoghurt and meat (beef neck, pork mixed cut and bones)
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